Adventure Team will not book any International Flight to and from Kathmandu, therefore you should take care of your flight yourself, however all the international flight that goes from Kathmandu to Lhasa, Bhutan, Sikkim and Delhi are booked by us and all the domestic flights in Nepal also can be booked by us, they are also included in most of the trip featured in this site. We can also recommend you some well known companies that deal with flight worldwide. Let us know if you required help regarding this matter.

As there are not so many direct flights to Kathmandu and most of the flights are fully booked long time before, therefore we strongly recommend you to make early booking. Please be informed that taking direct flight to Kathmandu will be more expensive rather than coming via other places but our experiences tell us that you should only look the flight which fly to Kathmandu directly if possible so that you have less chances of loosing your baggage and connections.